Friends History Timeline

Friends Annual Luncheon 2009

The Board of Directors of The Friends of the Air Force Academy Library held its annual meeting on April 16, 2009. The meeting and the luncheon that followed took place about a month earlier than usual in order to correspond with the 50th reunion of the Class of 1959, the first to graduate from the Air Force Academy. Our objective was to release the biography of Lt. Gen. Hubert R. Harmon, the Academy’s first Superintendent, which was sponsored by The Friends and the Class of 1959, at the luncheon.

Our speaker was Dr. Phil Meilinger, the author of the Harmon biography. He gave a delightful talk focusing on General Harmon’s well- deserved appointment as first Superintendent and later designation as “the Father of the Air Force Academy.” Following his remarks, General Clark presented Dr. Meilinger with a specially bound copy of Harmon. Special copies were also presented to the Superintendent and the Harmon children.

The Friends of the Air force Academy Library Board of Directors

Rear: Phil Meilinger, Gary Howe, Jock Schwank, ???, Lindy Royer, Christie Schwank
Skip Scott, John Andrew, Don White, & Duane Reed. Front: Susan Stone Woodward,
Lorrie Bennett, & Dona Hildebrand, Seated: A. P. Clark

Brig. General Philip Caine
& Lt. General A. P. Clark
Lt. General John Regni
& Lt. General A. P. Clark
Lt. General A. P. Clark
& Mrs. Eula Harmon Hoff?

Lt. General Bradley Hosmer
& Lt General A. P. Clark
Lt. General Bradley Hosmer
& Lt General A. P. Clark
Tammy Cox, Brig. General Dana Born, & Dona Hildbrand?

Dr. Phil Meilinger & Lt General A. P. Clark Lt. General A. P. Clark
& Lt. General John Regni
Phil Meilinger & Mary Elizabeth Ruwell

???, Terry Storm, & "T" Thompson